Remember the Khichdo recipe I have shared on the blog, this is the vegetable or the shaak as we call it that accompanies the Kichdo. Some households like to add vegetables to the Khichdo but the family I have learnt it from serves Khichdo with this dry vegetable on the side. The baby aubergines and baby potatoes are stuffed with onion and spices and cooked in oil yes, oil!! It is spicy so that it can balance the mildly spiced Khichdo.

There is no special recipe but some intuitive cooking involved. Give criss-cross slit to the aubergines and baby potatoes. Finely chop the onions and coriander, mince the ginger, green chilies and garlic ( green garlic when available). Make the filling by mixing the onions, coriander, ginger, chilies, garlic, cumin-coriander powder, turmeric powder, chilli powder, sugar and salt. Stuff the filling in the slit brinjals and potatoes. Using enough oil, cook them separately.
Serve with Kichdo.
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